Friday, February 19, 2010

The Dirt Cave

After almost three months in the making, the Dirt Cave is almost finished!

Bob has sunk a great deal of time, money, blood, sweat and beers into the effort, but an honest to goodness home for his far flung empire has come into existence. 

The physical location started out as a portion of a two car garage shared with Bud Rock, but it was always destined for more than a lowly abode for mere cars.

Here we see Bob as the interior is  being roughed out, all plywood walls with plent of room for improvement.

These were truly humble beginnings, but from these emerge a final resting place for some of Bob's incredible collection of miscellania.  For instance, there is a balsa wood and paper model of the Graf Zepplin handing from the midbeam (I really need to get a close-up of this so it can be appreciated for what it really is) and the poster that used to adorn his booths at regional collectors shows.  (No, he never sold anything at these shows, but he did meet lots of collectors there.)

Soon it was beginning to come together.  Here is an intermediate phase, with a workshelf for tools and storage space overhead for shitloads of crap overhead.  The walls are also beginning to fill up with more of the memorabilia accreted over decades of deposition.

And bookshelves, for the loads and loads of books that serve Bob as an auxilliary brain.

Oh, and by the way that is an opthamologist's chair there under the window, which has served Bob well over the years as he adjusts his vision of what DirtBrothers is becoming.  And you'd better beleive his wife was glad to get that one out of the living room!

And here is it's current incarnation, the Graf Zepplin on the left now balanced with the fez on the right that Bob wears at all his presentations of his work on the Alibates Flint Quarries..."ain't never going to do it without his fez on..."

Oh wait!  There's that Graf Zepplin again!  What's going on here?

Well, actually quite a bit of work already.  Bob's working on finishing up his master's thesis on Alibates with Chris helping with feedback on ArcGis mapping of the site and survey data.  The Dirt Cave's WiFi network is now up and running like a charm, which required every  little bit of Bob's considerable computer savvy. 

But it is here, at long last, the hub of the vast DirtBrothers organization has finally found its center.  Hope to see you there soon!

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